Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education


Greetings, KABHE Family!

Welcome to the Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education (KABHE) website. Founded in 1983, KABHE aims to promote the advancement of Blacks in higher education by articulating needs and concerns, promoting unity and cooperation, and enhancing the personal and professional growth of its membership.

My name is Dr. Ashley Sweat, and I am honored to be elected the Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education (KABHE) President. I first became a member of KABHE in 2012, and the organization has nurtured my growth as a professional in the field, allowing me to network with peers from across the state, equipped me with skills to improve my leadership abilities, and provided amazing mentors. I would not be who I am or where I am today without KABHE.

One thing I pride myself in is having an “open-door policy”. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please come to me! Over the next two years, I want to make sure that KABHE and its members continue to grow and prosper both personally and professionally.

I’m excited that my home region, the Southeast Region, is the conference host in 2025! I look forward to working with each of you during the next year. Thank you for your continued support of KABHE!


Ashley Matthews Sweat, Ed.D.

President, Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education

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